
Rohilla Taank educates and empowers people who are homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children.
Rohilla Taank has worked since 2010 to create bright futures for marginalized children in the Rohilla Community. We are an education-based non-profit organization, providing schooling for over hundreds of underprivileged children and orphans of our Community.


Rohilla Taank seeks to bring confidence and self-sustainability to the people, orphaned and vulnerable children of Rohilla Community by teaching modern skills, giving the opportunity of education, and enlightening through the word of God.


1. Provide outreach programs on various topics affecting children and youth. These topics include character building, family conflict resolution, behavior change, discipleship, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programs presented in weekly visits to various projects. These programs are carried out through group counseling, drama and music presentations, panel discussions, and teaching.

2. Empower the youth in need through providing sponsorship for formal education and vocational training.

3. Provide compassion projects such as breakfast feeding programs in slum schools, assistance in relocation of released children from the juvenile homes back to their villages, and building communities through construction of new homes, livestock shelters, and well digging in villages.